Spring Trail
From March 19 till May 9 everyone is welcome to the "Spring Trail" at the Ethnographic Open-Air Museum of Latvia. The "Spring Trail" is decorated with multicolored sun decorations, 12 different swings, a maze, sun horses and hidden bunnies.
Autumn Mask Trail
From November 6 till December 6, 2020 we invite everyone interested in traditional culture or just eager to spend some time outdoors to the Autumn Mask Trail and the Traditional Mask Exhibition "Between Two Suns".
Autumn Harvest Festival 2020
Autumn Solstice, or the day of Miķelis, is associated with completion of the field works, harvest festival, rich feast and loud rejoicing. This is also the most popular time to celebrate marriage. The festival at the museum was enriched with a fair offering autumn harvest bounties and products made by craftsmen, folklore groups, games of old and delicious seasonal soup.
Contemporary Crafts Festival 2020
This year the the Festival gathered more than 140 craftsmen and almost 40 local food producers, offered to attend VI Latvian Festival of Amateur Theatres of Small Towns and Parishes and the presentation of the book “Blankets Woven in Southern Latgale” by Daina Kraukle.
The Day of Crafts 2020
Every year this event gathers craftsmen from the entire Latvia – blacksmiths, potters, carpenters, wicker-work craftsmen and weavers. Both masters and trainees arrive at the museum to demonstrate their masterpieces, inviting everyone to participate and try out ancient tools.
Opening ceremony of the 50th season of the Latvian Folk Applied Arts Fair
Memories from the opening ceremony of the 50th season of the Latvian Folk Applied Arts Fair. Foto: Kaspars Filips Dobrovolskis
Open-Air Market / July 18
Shrovetide (Metenis)
Metenis is the herald of spring and beginning of a new year, as well as the most cheerful holiday of the year and the most popular time for mummeries. On this day museum was filled with masks, dancing and playing together with folk groups, everyone was offered a chance to visit candle maker's and blacksmith's workshops, go horseback riding and try delicious Metenis' treats.
Winter Solstice. Yule Log Eve
The Winter Solstice or Yule Log Eve is celebrated on the shortest day and the longest night of the year. As in old times, to ward off the darkness, cold, last year's mishaps, bad work and thoughts, people roll the Yule Log from one farm to another and eventually burn it. At the museum it is time for masking, creative workshops, Christmas market and seasonal treats, dancing and singing together with folk groups and, of course, rolling and burning the log.
The Martin's Day
Masking and mask parade, dancing and singing together with folk groups, creative seasonal workshops, craftsmen, horseback riding, games of old and delicious Martin's Day treats.