Prepare for our museum's visit!

Prepare for our museum's visit!

The most convenient mode of transportation to the museum is by taking trolleybus number 31 from the city center. The time schedule you can find here.

Remember to check the weather forecast and dress appropriately based on the conditions.

Plan your tour with our exceptional tour guides ahead of time. Remember, bookings must be made at least 3 days in advance. In order to book a guided tour simply e-mail us to: Please turn on Javascript to see email address!

You have the chance to dine at our pub "Priedes Krogs" located right at the entrance or at the summer cafe "Pūnīte" situated next to Vidzeme farmstead. If you want to book a lunch for a group please contact: Summer cafe "Pūnīte" +371 26425426 or the Pub "Priedes krogs" +371 22312133.


  • Bicycles are not allowed on the museum grounds.
  • Smoking is not permitted inside the museum. Please use designated smoking areas only.
  • Dogs are not permitted on museum grounds.
Pēdējoreiz atjaunināts:28.06.2024